Learning Support

Ekea tō tāpuhipuhi

Reach your potential, be all that you can be.

Learning Support refers to the additional support some ākonga need to engage and achieve in education.

We believe that the tumu (foundations) of Learning Support are inclusion of ākonga, engagement of whānau, and empowerment of kaimahi.

At Te Kura, diversity and difference are responded to and celebrated in inclusive school and community contexts.

Learning Support at Te Kura is ākonga centred, needs based, flexible and personalised, and draws on a wide range of possible supports from the diverse contexts of whānau and community. Te Kura takes a differentiated approach to match identified need with possible supports. Some forms of Learning Support will require additional funding while other supports are provided as part of Te Kura’s delivery of personalised learning.

How Learning Support is delivered

Te Kura has a regionalised approach to delivering Learning Support. This localised delivery model enables us to improve our delivery to ākonga and whānau, through drawing on local networks and growing good practice.

Regional Team Leaders Learning Support work with ākonga and whānau to access the support they need, provide guidance and advice to kaimanaaki and kaiako, and lead regional initiatives.

Kaimanaaki are the first point of contact for ākonga and their whānau and are responsible for the development, overview and coherence of their learning programme.

Funding to support ākonga

External funding from agencies (such as the Ministry of Education, ACC and Oranga Tamariki) provides funding for resources and additional kaimahi to support ākonga with the most complex needs.

Internal funding may be available to fund teacher aides or other support such as SAC (Special Assessment Conditions for NCEA).

Please note Learning Support funding is not available for:

To find out about learning support

Regional Contacts

James Ryan – Northern Region
Email: James.Ryan@tekura.school.nz

Darron Cutler- Te Kāhui Hauāuru
Email: Darron.Cutler@tekura.school.nz

Tamla Smith - Te Kāhui Rāwhiti
Email: Tamla.Smith@tekura.school.nz

Mitch Neilson – Central South Region
Email: Mitch.Neilson@tekura.school.nz

Judy Cooke – Southern Region
Email: Judy.Cooke@tekura.school.nz

Puti Mareroa - Te Aka Taumatua
Email: Puti.Mareroa@tekura.school.nz