Ā mātou kaupapa matua rautaki (Our strategic priorities)

Te Kura’s Board of Trustees has identified five strategic whenu (strands) that represent what we want to achieve from 2023–2025. Within each whenu we have identified strategic priorities that explain how we intend to do this and the key workstreams that contribute to each priority. Some workstreams contribute to more than one strategic priority just as some strategic priorities may contribute to more than one whenu. However, at the centre of it all is Te Ara Pounamu, our Big Picture inspired approach to authentic, inclusive and personalised learning that ensures we put ākonga at the centre of everything we do. All of our strategic priorities and their supporting workstreams ultimately contribute to Te Ara Pounamu.

You can read more here in our annual report about our strategic whenu, priorities and key workstreams.


Our strategic priorities have been chosen to ensure we support each ākonga to achieve their goals. To monitor and measure the intended impact of our strategic priorities and key development actions, we have chosen progress indicators which focus on outcomes for ākonga. These indicators cover engagement, wellbeing and achievement and will be monitored for all ākonga, ākonga Māori, Pacific ākonga and Young Adults.

School level data and analysis will be provided monthly to the Board. Regional Managers and all kaimahi will receive weekly data which can be disaggregated to support monitoring of regional, team and individual goals.