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Physics is the study of the matter and energy that makes up the physical world. It offers an insight into the fundamental ways the world works scientifically and its relationship with technology. This includes topics such as light, sound, heat, movement, forces, atomic physics as well as electricity and magnetism. Ākonga encounter many key scientific ideas and concepts that support study in other science subjects and related areas such as engineering and health science.
This course is for ākonga interested in studying sciences, engineering, medicine, veterinary science and for those who are interested in careers as pilots, medical laboratory assistants and electricians.
The main themes of the course are mechanics, waves, electricity and atomic and nuclear physics. It is suitable for ākonga who have successfully studied some science and mathematics at NCEA Level 1.
This course offers 26 credits of which 16 are externally assessed by NCEA examination in November.
Ākonga are encouraged to have completed NCEA Level 1 Physics or equivalent. Entry will be given to all ākonga if they have no prior physics understanding provided they work with Te Kura to determine a learning plan to catch up on any missing knowledge.
Standard | Description | Version | Credits | Assessment | L1 Lit/Num | UE Lit/Num | Vocational Pathways |
91168 | Carry out a practical physics investigation that leads to a nonlinear mathematical relationship | 2 | 4 | Internal | CoConstruction and Infrastructure recommended standard MaManufacturing and technology recommended standard PrPrimary Industries recommended standard |
91169 | Demonstrate understanding of physics relevant to a selected context | 2 | 3 | Internal | CoConstruction and Infrastructure recommended standard MaManufacturing and technology recommended standard PrPrimary Industries recommended standard SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard CrCreative Industries recommended standard |
91170 | Demonstrate understanding of waves | 2 | 4 | External | CoConstruction and Infrastructure recommended standard MaManufacturing and technology recommended standard PrPrimary Industries recommended standard SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard |
91171 | Demonstrate understanding of mechanics | 2 | 6 | External | CoConstruction and Infrastructure recommended standard MaManufacturing and technology recommended standard PrPrimary Industries recommended standard SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard |
91172 | Demonstrate understanding of atomic and nuclear physics | 2 | 3 | Internal | MaManufacturing and technology recommended standard SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard |
91173 | Demonstrate understanding of electricity and electromagnetism | 2 | 6 | External | CoConstruction and Infrastructure recommended standard MaManufacturing and technology recommended standard PrPrimary Industries recommended standard |