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Learning through projects encourages ākonga choice, voice and agency and supports the development of independent learning. Ākonga identify what they are intrigued by or interested in and what they would like to learn more about. They consider what they know already and go through a process of discovery to establish what they will need to understand, know, and do to complete each project.
There are four different project types to choose from. Through independent and guided learning experiences, ākonga develop new knowledge, skills and understanding of themselves as learners. Some projects require collaboration and teamwork, and some are individual. Ākonga are welcome to choose more than one project type as they build their programme of learning.
EXPlore projects will be available to full-time ākonga in 2025. The best starting point for project-based learning is a discussion with kaimanaaki.
Ākonga investigate an area of interest while on a formal internship in the community. This project-based learning option will be available early 2023 for full-time ākonga at NCEA Level 1 and above.